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Whales & This Lake







Back in 2015 Whales & This Lake invaded the earth with two single immediately reaching Spotify worlds Viral Hit and Weekend Buzz playlists. The story was followed by heavy rotation on national radio and several absolute top reviews of their spectacular live show. In 2017 they released their debut album "Send A Man Down". It is beyond doubt that the Whale guys will play a role in the European music scene the next decade. 

Hans Olav Settem, Anders Høvik Hjelden and Max Peder Brekke originates from the sparsely populated Norwegian countryside where synths are homemade and the drums have been covered by whale skin for thousands of year. Meeting in Oslo the creativity went on a spin, followed by contributions to a flourishing music scene in lots of bands and constellations. Although these boys are not super humans, you may be fooled into believing just that. 

Whales & This Lake is doing whale pop, characterized as a dark and dancy genre of indie electro pop.  

«Just when we thought these clearly talented newcomers couldn’t be any more impressive, Whales & This Lake have shared an astounding video for ‘Late Night Swimmers’ highlight “World B”…, We’re calling it now: these guys won’t be Oslo’s little secret for much longer» 
Jordan Munns - Best before


Whales & This Lake




Whales & this lake - Sahara Blind


Whales & this lake - right hand finger